me rindo (i surrender)
Frame loom woven wildflowers, seed paper, soil, wood, white plastic bags
me rindo (i surrender) is a participatory sculpture installation. This piece explores the surrendering to love and heartache. Inspired by friends and my own experiences of loss and love, I wanted to create a public art piece that provided a sense of community and solidarity. This seemed especially prescient during the current pandemic, war, social and political unrest, injustice and violence against black lives and marginalized communities. Globally, we continue to face so much loss and enjoy so many moments of love. However, how do we begin to heal, to slow down and transform? Through me rindo (i surrender), I ask my audience to take part in something bigger than themselves: for each personal note buried becomes a grander action of love and care. Care of oneself, the land, and community.
The prompt:
dear love,
here is my offering to you, which i hope you will take part in.
this is a surrender to love, heartache, and the gray areas in-between.
on this seed paper, please write a word, a sentence, or a paragraph to the person, place, or thing
that has brought you love or pain this past year.
what is it that you continue to carry? what is the thing you want to finally let go, or cannot let go of?
once you are done, please bury it in the sailboat.
in exchange, please take a love note with you, some herbs, a flower, and who knows–
maybe out of all this love and pain, something new can grow.
for you,
Frame loom woven wildflowers, seed paper, soil, wood, white plastic bags
me rindo (i surrender) is a participatory sculpture installation. This piece explores the surrendering to love and heartache. Inspired by friends and my own experiences of loss and love, I wanted to create a public art piece that provided a sense of community and solidarity. This seemed especially prescient during the current pandemic, war, social and political unrest, injustice and violence against black lives and marginalized communities. Globally, we continue to face so much loss and enjoy so many moments of love. However, how do we begin to heal, to slow down and transform? Through me rindo (i surrender), I ask my audience to take part in something bigger than themselves: for each personal note buried becomes a grander action of love and care. Care of oneself, the land, and community.
The prompt:
dear love,
here is my offering to you, which i hope you will take part in.
this is a surrender to love, heartache, and the gray areas in-between.
on this seed paper, please write a word, a sentence, or a paragraph to the person, place, or thing
that has brought you love or pain this past year.
what is it that you continue to carry? what is the thing you want to finally let go, or cannot let go of?
once you are done, please bury it in the sailboat.
in exchange, please take a love note with you, some herbs, a flower, and who knows–
maybe out of all this love and pain, something new can grow.
for you,